Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In fringilla sem in nunc ullamcorper, nec tempor tortor ultrices. Nulla tincidunt tempus magna, sit amet faucibus risus. Nulla ac nunc leo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent at luctus libero. Etiam non laoreet metus. Sed sollicitudin lorem fermentum tincidunt egestas. Suspendisse venenatis massa eu sapien vulputate, ut aliquam mauris sagittis. Donec sit amet nisl semper, mattis est vitae, finibus nunc. Sed pulvinar sem eget purus commodo dignissim. Suspendisse commodo tellus in suscipit laoreet.
Light housekeeping
If we want to help improve our members’ home support, above all, we want them to be able to do […]
Clothing and bedding care
It’s sometimes the little daily chores that take the most effort. Our clothing and bedding care service makes our members’ […]
Non-diet meal preparation
Our attendants are trained to cook simple, non-diet meals right at your home. Preparing or heating simple, non-diet meals; Cleaning […]
Shopping and other errands
Our attendants can visit the grocery store or the pharmacy to meet your needs. Our services are available Monday to […]
Heavy housekeeping
Our heavy housekeeping service meets specific needs that require physical effort that our members cannot undertake alone. The Cooperative therefore […]
Respite services
Regular Respite The Cooperative provides regular and atypical at-home respite services to let caregivers have moments of rest and […]
Personal assistance services
The Cooperative offers personal assistance services including: Hygiene care; Changing incontinence briefs; Assistance with transport and travel. This service is […]
Social Geriatrics
The Coopérative de soutien à domicile de Laval, in partnership with the Fondation AGES and the Laval healthcare network, […]